GT RoboCup SSL
Soccer software, robot firmware

RoboCup Software has built in Theme support, via QT Stylesheets. By default no themes will be used.

Theme Selection

To select a theme, from the top bar:

View->Change Style Sheet-><Name of Stylesheet>

To keep your theme permanently add the following to your bashrc

# for example

Writing Themes

Adding your own theme to soccer takes a few steps:

  1. Write the stylesheet (if starting from scratch, copy an existing stylesheet file from ./soccer/ui/themes.
    • Copy this stylesheet into the ./soccer/ui/themes folder
  2. Edit MainWindow.ui to add an entry for your theme in the themes menu.
    • You can do this in qtcreator
    • Also, you will need to add triggers in MainWindow.cpp to actually trigger your theme.
    • In MainWindow.cpp add your new button to the radio group
  3. Edit StyleSheetManager.cpp and add your theme to the map of tables present there.
  4. You're set! See the existing themes for examples.