GT RoboCup SSL
Soccer software, robot firmware
Ball Class Reference

Our beliefs about the ball's position and velocity. More...

Public Member Functions

Planning::MotionInstant predict (RJ::Time time) const
Geometry2d::Point predictPosition (double seconds_from_now) const
std::unique_ptr< Planning::Pathpath (RJ::Time startTime) const
RJ::Time estimateTimeTo (const Geometry2d::Point &point, Geometry2d::Point *nearPoint=nullptr) const
double estimateSecondsTo (const Geometry2d::Point &point) const
double estimateSecondsToDist (double dist) const
double predictSecondsToStop () const

Public Attributes

Geometry2d::Point pos
Geometry2d::Point vel
RJ::Time time
bool valid = false

Detailed Description

Our beliefs about the ball's position and velocity.

+ Collaboration diagram for Ball:

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