GT RoboCup SSL
Soccer software, robot firmware
QT Introduction
What is QT?
QT is a framework for building UI's.
It makes UI's easy to make and does all the heavy lifting for us.
soccer uses QT for all it's GUI stuff, as well as a few other things.
(today will be a project heavy day, so get ready!)
How do we use QT?
Generate a *.ui file
A ui file is a XML file generated by QT
It specifies the layout of the window
Adding buttons or changing layout is as simple as editing the UI file
You can open or generate UI files in QtCreator (installed in your VM's)
Link the UI into your program
You will need to program 'handlers' for actions that the UI takes
Ex: ButtonPressed, SelectedGroup, EnterText
Your program can respond to these cues by modifying bits of the UI
Build Systems
Designed to be as flexible as 'pressing run' in your IDE, while being easily shareable between programmers
They make it easy to compile and run a large project on many platforms, which could have hundreds of dependencies
What does a Build System do?
Compile only files that need to be compiled
Don't compile files that have not changed
Ensure changed files get properly recompiled
Let your program easily interact with libraries
A library, such as QT, would have to be manually specified in gcc without a build system.
Speed up compilation by compiling independent files in parallel
Bring all compiled files together into one nice, runnable file!
A C/C++ build system, very widely used
files for configuration.
These files can be nested (so I can copy a CMake project into mine, and automatically use their CMakeLists).
Project: Create a Simple QT App
This will help you create a basic QT Gui compiled with CMake!
This is a old project, and it might be confusing, so we'll be here to help you out.
Let us know if you have questions.
Training 2016
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