Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- g -
- generateCubicBezier()
: Planning::RRTPlanner
- generateCubicBezierPath()
: Planning::RRTPlanner
- generateNormalCubicBezierPath()
: Planning::RRTPlanner
- generatePath()
: Planning::RRTPlanner
- generateVelocityPath()
: Planning::RRTPlanner
- get_enabled_plays_and_scores()
: gameplay.play_registry.PlayRegistry
- get_enabled_plays_paths()
: gameplay.play_registry.PlayRegistry
- get_threat_list()
: gameplay.tactics.defense.Defense
- getBallComponents()
: WorldBall
- getBestKickEstimate()
: World
- getCameraID()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanRobot
- getChargeLevel()
: BatteryProfile
- getCmdText()
: OurRobot
- getDuration()
: Planning::AngleFunctionPath
, Planning::CompositePath
, Planning::InterpolatedPath
, Planning::Path
, Planning::TrapezoidalPath
- getHealth()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanRobot
- getIsValid()
: Camera
, KickEvent
, WorldBall
, WorldRobot
- getJoystickControlValues()
: GamepadController
, GamepadJoystick
, Joystick
, SpaceNavJoystick
- getKalmanBalls()
: Camera
- getKalmanRobotsBlue()
: Camera
- getKalmanRobotsYellow()
: Camera
- getKickingRobot()
: KickEvent
- getKickTime()
: KickEvent
- getMainModule()
: Gameplay::GameplayModule
- getMaxValues()
: ParallelGradientAscent1D
- getMaxXValues()
: ParallelGradientAscent1D
- getOmega()
: KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
, WorldRobot
- getOmegaCov()
: KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
- getPackets()
: VisionReceiver
- getPid()
: MotionControl
- getPlanningPriority()
: OurRobot
- getPoint()
: NelderMead2D
- getPos()
: CameraBall
, CameraRobot
, KalmanBall
, KalmanFilter2D
, KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
, WorldBall
, WorldRobot
- getPosCov()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanFilter2D
, KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
, WorldBall
, WorldRobot
- getPrevMeasurements()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanRobot
- getRobotComponents()
: WorldRobot
- getRobotID()
: CameraRobot
, KalmanRobot
, WorldRobot
- getRobotsBlue()
: World
- getRobotsYellow()
: World
- getStatesSinceKick()
: KickEvent
- getTeamColor()
: WorldRobot
- getTheta()
: CameraRobot
, KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
, WorldRobot
- getThetaCov()
: KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
- getTime()
: Planning::InterpolatedPath
, WorldBall
, WorldRobot
- getTimeCaptured()
: CameraBall
, CameraRobot
- getValue()
: GradientAscent1D
, NelderMead2D
- getVel()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanFilter2D
, KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
, WorldBall
, WorldRobot
- getVelCov()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanFilter2D
, KalmanFilter3D
, KalmanRobot
, WorldBall
, WorldRobot
- getWorldBall()
: World
- getXValue()
: GradientAscent1D
- globalObstacles()
: Gameplay::GameplayModule
- GoalFlat()
: Field_Dimensions
- goalie_id()
: gameplay.root_play.RootPlay
- goalieID()
: Processor
- goalZoneObstacles()
: Gameplay::GameplayModule
- Gradient1DConfig()
: Gradient1DConfig