Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- s -
- saturate()
: Geometry2d::Point
- savePlaybook()
: Gameplay::GameplayModule
- score()
- self()
: Robot
, SystemState
- set_defender_block_lines()
: gameplay.tactics.defense.Defense
- setCoeffs()
: FIRFilter< T >
- setErrorText()
: RobotStatusWidget
- setPlanningPriority()
: OurRobot
- setShowstopper()
: RobotStatusWidget
- settle()
: OurRobot
- setup
: gameplay.plays.offense.two_side_attack.TwoSideAttack.State
, gameplay.plays.restarts.two_side_corner_kick.TwoSideCornerKick.State
, gameplay.plays.testing.four_courners_pass.FourCornerPass.State
, gameplay.plays.testing.triangle_pass.TrianglePass.State
, triangle_pass.TrianglePass.State
- setup_ball_avoid()
: gameplay.skills.line_kick_old.LineKickOld
- setup_penalty
: gameplay.tactics.positions.goalie.Goalie.State
- setVel()
: KalmanBall
, KalmanFilter2D
- ShapeSet()
: Geometry2d::ShapeSet
- shell()
: Robot
- shellID
: Planning::PlanRequest
- shot_obstacle_ignoring_robots()
: gameplay.skills._kick._Kick
- shouldReplan()
: Planning::RRTPlanner
, Planning::SingleRobotPathPlanner
- sing()
: OurRobot
- singleStep()
: GradientAscent1D
, NelderMead2D
- size()
: Planning::InterpolatedPath
- spin()
: gameplay.composite_behavior.CompositeBehavior
, gameplay.fsm.StateMachine
- spinKickWatcher()
: NewRefereeModule
- start()
: Planning::AngleFunctionPath
, Planning::CompositePath
, Planning::InterpolatedPath
, Planning::Path
, Planning::PlanRequest
, Planning::TrapezoidalPath
- startTime()
: Planning::AngleFunctionPath
, Planning::Path
- SteadyMaxVel
: gameplay.skills.pass_receive.PassReceive
- stop()
: OurRobot
- stopped()
: MotionControl
- subPath()
: Planning::AngleFunctionPath
, Planning::CompositePath
, Planning::InterpolatedPath
, Planning::Path
, Planning::TrapezoidalPath
- subscribe()
: gameplay.fs_watcher.FsWatcher