Our Repositories
- RoboJackets/robocup-software
- RoboJackets/robocup-firmware
- Firmware for robots
- Firmware for base station
- RoboJackets/robocup-common
- Libraries needed for both firmware and software
- Ex: Geometry, time libraries.
- RoboJackets/rrt
Overview Picture
Overview Of a Contribution
Find an Issue
- Can be on any of our repos
- Comment on the issue, let us know you're working on it
- We'll provide feedback, help you out to get started
Fork the repo, make a branch
# Fork the repo
# Clone your fork
git clone <your fork URL>
# Checkout a new branch
git checkout -b my-feature
Make your changes
- Let us know if you get stuck
- Use documentation, stack overflow, google, etc
- Test out your solution thoroughly
Add your changes to git
# Stage all files in the current directory '.'
git add .
# Make sure files you want saved are 'green'
git status
# Try to give a good status message!
git commit -m "Fixed my issue!"
Push your changes up to your fork
git push -u origin <branch name>
- Create a pull request on GitHub from your fork
Fix issues brought up
- We'll review your changes, and give feedback on improvements that can be made.
- Repeat the commit and push steps to revise your pull request.
- The Pull Request will automatically be updated
- Pick another issue to work on, or create a new issue!