Initialize Kicker(attiny) and FPGA using binary files stored on MBED
Compilation for these files is separate from firmware MBED runs
Initialize any other devices (radio, MPU, etc.)
Start threads
RTOS (Threads)
Threads allow us to run multiple segments of code in "parallel"
MBED only has one core so only one thread executed at once
RTOS is used to control the running of these threads
Threads can be running, ready (in queue to be run), or waiting (for some event like a timer or interrupt)
Watchdog (reset MBED if it doesn't go back to main in certain time)
Control LEDs (neopixel & LEDs connected to IO Expander)
Respond to buttons/switches(rotary selector & dip switch)
Other threads
Read and write to serial for the console
Commands for console defined in commands.cpp
Send duty cycles to FPGA to control motor speeds
Two RX threads, one TX thread (see Radio section)
How commands are sent to robot (motor speeds, kick, etc.)
How information is sent back to the base station (various robot statuses)
Used as hardware abstraction layer to communicate from higher level firmware to radio hardware (through drivers)
What we use to call functions to get/send data through radio
Other radio drivers (cc1201 and decawave) are derived from this in order to implement the specific hardware communication
Runs RX thread waiting for radio interrupts
Used to handle packets being sent and received with radio
RX/TX queues (as threads) waiting for other threads to put packets in the queue that are ready to be sent or have been received and need to be processed
Shared SPI
Allows MBED (master) to communicate with multiple devices through same pins
Devices (slaves) currently used are radio, kicker (ATtiny), and FPGA
This ensures multiple threads aren't trying to communicate on these shared lines all at once
Hardfault Handler
Written in assembly to call function when the mbed hard faults (crashes)
Used to print out information to console useful for debugging
FPGA (verilog)
FPGA is programming logic gates which allows for many parallel operations
Reads in hall sensors for motors
Used to determine which phase to power to keeps motors running
Gets encoder values for how fast motor is spinning
Given number of encoder steps passed in period of time
This value can be read by MBED over SPI
Powers correct phases for motors (by sending signals to motor drivers)
Powers the next phase after the current phase given by hall sensors
Powers the motors using the duty cycle sent from the MBED
Adjusting the duty cycle allows us to control motor speeds
Acts as SPI slave to receive motor speeds from MBED and has second SPI communication where it acts as SPI master to communicate with motor drivers
Pin configurations found in robocup.ucf
Base Station
MBED with only radio connected
Uses MBED serial lines to communicate with computer running soccer
Commands are sent from soccer to base station then to each robot
Base station recieves replies back from robots then sends this to soccer