Our robots need to know how to get from a start point to an end point
RoboCup uses an RRT (Rapidly-Exploring Random Tree)
IGVC uses A*
STOx's Planner
Path network generation
Continuous search space
Randomly extend a space-filling tree throughout the search space until we connect the start and goal states
How the RRT works
Start building our tree by placing a root node at the goal state
Randomly select some coordinate in the position space
Identify existing node in the tree that is nearest to that coordinate
Add new node in tree branching from nearest node to random coordinate
Repeat 2-4 until a node is created at our destination. The series of connected nodes from root to destination forms the path that the robot will follow
Smooth out path with overlaid Bézier curve
How to construct a Bézier curve
Linear curve
Bézier curve B(t)
The t in the function for a linear Bézier curve can be thought of as describing how far B(t) is from P0 to P1
For example, when t=0.25, B(t) is one quarter of the way from point P0 to P1. As t varies from 0 to 1, B(t) describes a straight line from P0 to P1
Quadratic curve
For quadratic Bézier curves one can construct intermediate points Q0 and Q1 such that as t increases from 0 to 1
Point Q0(t) varies from P0 to P1 and describes a linear Bézier curve.
Point Q1(t) varies from P1 to P2 and describes a linear Bézier curve.
Point B(t) is interpolated linearly between Q0(t) to Q1(t) and describes a quadratic Bézier curve.
Sounds really inefficient
Why waste computation time branching out in random directions?
What advantages could there be in random branching?
Why not use a less computationally intense algorithm like A*?
Advantages of RRT
Specialized for continuous configuration spaces
Can handle kinodynamic constraints
Algorithm can be modified for various needs and preferences
RoboCup Modifications
Goal Bias
Random branching has tendency to branch directly towards goal instead
Waypoint Bias
Random branching has tendency to branch towards Bézier curve waypoints of previous paths
Goal Bias + Waypoint Bias must sum to at most 1.0
Adaptive Stepsize Control
Stepsize now dynamically changes based on whether there are obstacles nearby
Requires extra computation time to locate nearby obstacles
Having larger stepsizes when possible reduces total iteration count, which reduces computation time
Obstacle-light environments benefit the most from this enhancement
k-d Trees
Finding the node in the RRT to extend from is computationally expensive
Binary tree that attempts to maintain balance
Partitions the state space evenly based on the number of nodes in each partition
The branch that each node is stored under is determined by comparing that node to the median of the node in that subtree
STOx's Planner
Generate a straight line from the start state to end state
As long as the path intersects an obstacle:
Generate a subgoal state next to the obstacle
Now divided into two smaller subproblems
STOx's Planner
STOx's Planner
Very fast when obstacle count is low
Not very flexible
Search space
Discrete network of nodes
Traversable edges between nodes
Generalized Dijkstra's algorithm
Generalized breadth-first search
Dijkstra's algorithm
Like BFS, but acknowledges costs with each edge
Associates each edge with a distance cost, and assigns each node with a tentative distance cost
At each iteration, update the distance to the nodes neighboring the current node
Select the unvisited node with the smallest tentative distance at the next iteration
BFS is Dijkstra's algorithm with equal edge weights
Like Dijkstra's but with a heuristic function h(n)
Cost function f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
g(n): cost of path from start to n
h(n): estimate cost of cheapest path from n to goal
Heuristic must be admissible (no overestimating)
Dynamic A* Search
What if edge weights change during execution?
Searching backwards from goal to start
Efficient replanning and backtracking
At each iteration, evaluate current node and propagate changes to its descendants
When a new obstacle is detected, all affected points are put back into the priority queue of "unvisited" nodes
For each affected point:
If node cost can be reduced, update its backpointer
Propagate change in cost to neighbors
Path Network
Transform continuous space into discrete space
Invisible network of waypoints
Obstacles represented as polygons
Path Network
Navigation Mesh
Navigation Mesh
Navigation Mesh
For each point
Pick two other points
See if they form a triangle through traversable space
See if the triangle does not cross an existing triangle in the mesh
If yes, add triangle to nav mesh
Navigation Mesh
For any 2 triangles with a shared edge
If the merged polygon is convex, replace them with the new polygon
Repeat for higher order polygons
Generating a path network from a nav mesh
For each polygon in the nav mesh, place a path node in its center
Generating a path network from a nav mesh
Alternatively, place a path node at midpoint of each edge between two adjacent polygons